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Under RA 11058, Chapter IV Section 12 - Occupational Safety Health (OSH) Program, Covered workplaces shall have a safety and health program including the following policies, guidelines or information:

Promotion of the following health domains:
  • Drug-free workplace (RA 9165),
  • Mental health services in the workplace (RA 11036),
  • Healthy lifestyle;
Prevention and control of the following health domains:
  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (RA 8504)
  • Tuberculosis (EO 187-03), and
  • Hepatitis B (DOLE DA 05-2010)
The course will tackle different guidelines, policies, and promotion of various physical and mental health domains as required by the Department of Labor and Development to guide workers to a healthy physical and mental well-being in preparation for a safe disposition in the workplace. The objective of the course is to help every workers maintain and acquire a healthy environment and be physically and mentally fit for work.
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Eight hours(8) with one (1) hour lunch break 8:00am to 5:00PM

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    Upon the successful completion of this course, each participant will be able to:
  • Be informed on the risks and the prevention of CoViD-19 in the workplace during the new normal.
  • Know how to prevent and control health domains such as Tuberculosis, HIV, Hepatitis B which are common in the workplace;
  • Understand the importance of promoting a drug-free workplace;
  • Identify the principles of ergonomics for a better work performance;
  • Understand the importance of Family Planning and breastfeeding in relation to safety at work;
  • Be familiar with how to manage sleep and stress for a positive outlook in work;
  • Know the importance of caring for one’s mental health and its relevance in the workplace.

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E-Certificate of Attendance will be given to the student who completed the 1 day prescribed training.
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Get up to 30% off discount for group registration
INDIVIDUAL Registration Php 2,200 per head (vat inclusive)

GROUP Registrations
Send 5 employees and pay - 1,900 per head (vat inclusive)
Send 10 employees and pay 1,800 per head (vat inclusive)
Send 15 employees and pay 1,700 per head (vat inclusive)
Send 20 employees and pay 1,600 per head (vat inclusive)
Send 25 employees and pay 1,500 per head (vat inclusive)

SPECIAL IN-HOUSE SCHEDULE(EXCLUSIVE SCHEDULE) Php 45,000 plus vat for maximum 30 to 40 employees

Pre-registration Form

Please check your email notification within 24 hours from for payment and joining instructions.